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The Haven Blackboard

By December 11, 2012December 26th, 2013Blog

2 summers ago, we asked Pericles to build us a 4’x5′ blackboard to serve as our Italian soda menu. When we put it into position it seemed obscene that it would broadcast pricing. Instead, it screamed for art.

Right then and there we scratched the Italian soda idea and decided that the blackboard would showcase our customers’ artwork. We have a deep pool from which to draw. To date we have been graced by Cynthia Wick, Diane Firtell, Arthur Oliver and Rebecca Weinman. All works are done in chalk and are produced in the cafe so that our customers can witness the process. Artists are well fed as they work. When the time comes for a new artist, the current work is washed away with soap and water. Sometimes we have to repaint the board because the colors refuse to disappear. The project has garnered rave reviews from our clientele…most are aghast at the idea that such beauty will eventually be washed down the drain. Rest assured, we have kept a photo archive of the project and will soon have a gallery on our website. Note cards are in the works too.
We invite you to join us this Saturday morning, December 15th, to watch Michael Vincent Bushy unleash his magic on the board. We open at 8.